Tag: HealthAndWellnessCoach

Autumn Wellness Wisdom

What would happen if you explored being more in harmony with the cycles of nature. A lot of ancient healing and lifestyle wellness techniques are still very effective because they respect and align with the rhythms of nature and the universe. The rhythms and cycles of nature apply to the internal aspect of your mind, body, and spirit as well as the external aspect of your environment. It is all connected and choosing to neglect the rhythms is like swimming up stream and being against natural flow.

In the USA Autumn is in full beauty. Crisp air, leaves falling, and signs of change all around. The wisdom of Chinese Medicine tells us that Autumn brings an increased energy of organization, order, communication, stability, the mind, setting limits, and protecting boundaries. We naturally tend to be more reflective, turning inward to our work, our families and our homes during this time. According to the wisdom of the Ancient Taoist wellness principles, it is time to embrace, nurture, and strengthen the lungs and large intestines. These two internal organs related to Fall and the Metal element. These organs are associated with the emotions of “letting go” of what you no longer need and results in sadness and grief when out of balance.

It is important to keep the mind clear and “let go” of negative emotions, which can impact health more strongly during the fall. Often a higher since of clarity, peace, and vitality can be achieved through Qi Gong breathing exercises.

There are foods and herbs that are great for this season. There are foods and herbs that amazing at nurturing the organs but the choice to be more in harmony is equally as important as your meal and herb strategy.

Remember that wellness is lifestyle and mindset. You deserve to enjoy optimum wellness in all seasons.

Are You Summer Ready?


It is officially Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The inspirations of Summer fun is in the air. It is the season for adventures, days at the beach, picnics at the park, cook outs, scavenger hunts, water fights, flying kites, and outdoor movies.

Are you excited to enjoy some of your favorite Summer activities and explore new ones?

Do you have enough energy to enjoy a full day of Summer fun?

Is your body healthy and fit enough to experience and enjoy your Summer fun dreams and desires?

Due to wellness challenges many people are not able to embrace and fully enjoy the beauty of the Summer season. Issues like allergies, low energy, fatigue, pain, depression, and anxiety are common reasons that people opt-out of Summer fun. Fortunately, none of these conditions are permanent and can be corrected with effective tools, strategies, and solutions.

Due to lifestyle and nutrition imbalances, many people do not have enough energy to get through their day. This is why caffeine is such a hot commodity in our culture. But even with the heavy consumption of caffeine and stimulates, there are many people that have mental and physical energy crashes throughout the day. These energy crashes impact their ability interact with others, work, think clearly, drive, enjoy life, and have fun. The most come is the 2pm to 5pm crash which is completely correctable with nutrition and lifestyle solutions.

Imagine what it would be like to enjoy a full day, full weekend, full week or more of your favorite Summer Fun without wellness restrictions to your energy, focus, and body. Many of the things holding you back could be improved in matter of days and before the Summer is over.

If you are not Summer ready, get the help you need to effectively achieve the results you desire and deserve. Thrive Now Wellness is here to give you the empowerment, tools, and proven strategies to reach your wellness goals and enjoy a better feelinglife.

Want to get Summer Ready? Want to be healthier, happier, and ready to enjoy every season.

Contact Thrive Now Wellness today by either calling 678-465-7118 or leaving use a message at www.ThriveNowWellness.com.


Spring Cleaning

Spring is officially here. It is now a great time to deep clean your home, re-organized your life, declutter, service the HAVAC system, shred junk mail, service your vehicles, get an annual credit report, and more. For some people Spring Cleaning feels almost like a biological imperative. Scientist have noted that at the Spring or Vernal Equinox, we tend to be energetic, spirited and jubilant. Further, with the boost of energy there is a focus on transition that effects nature and us as human beings. For many cultures the Spring Equinox marks the official start of the New Year.

It is not only a great time to renew and refresh your surroundings and tools, it is also an excellent time to renew and rejuvenate your body.  Have you found yourself or some of associates focusing on renewal, new beginnings, personal changes, or personal balance during the Spring?

This fresh-start effect not only impacts the mind, it also impacts our body. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Spring is a great time of renewal for the organ systems within your body. Further, it is the best time of the year to detoxify the liver. According to TCM, during spring our liver energy, or Qi, is naturally rising, and this helps the detoxification process.

If your home, car, machines, and schedules function better after good Spring Clean, how do you think your body would function after some Spring Cleansing. Your lungs, liver, bladder, kidneys, heart, stomach, pancreas and colon need the same Spring Cleansing and maintenance effort as your home. At Thrive Now Wellness we have found that Spring Cleansing your body is an effective preventative and healing wellness practice that yields unmatched mental, physical, and emotional results.

Want to learn effective ways to Spring Cleansing your body? Join the Spring Cleansing live stream in the Thrive Now Wellness w/ Coach Chandler FB Group on March 21st  2018 at 7pm est.


Total Wellness Starts With Self-Love

Wellness is a mindset and lifestyle that achieves good mental, physical, spiritual and relational health. Creating a wellness mindset lays the foundation to a healthier lifestyle and achieving sustainable wellness results. The primary component of a wellness mindset is the regard for one’s own well-being and happiness – Self-Love. Unfortunately, self-love is often seen as a moral flaw, akin to vanity and selfishness. The Merriam-Webster dictionary later describes self-love as to “love of self” or “regard for one’s own happiness or advantage”. At Thrive Now Wellness we see self-love as crucial to total wellness.

Ask yourself:
How is your intentional regard for your well-being and happiness?

How often do you treat yourself like a prized possession?

Are you treating yourself like an invaluable and irreplaceable asset in your life?

Is your relationship with you a priority?

Do you love and accept yourself completely?


Here are somethings to consider:
People who develop a stronger sense of self-love tend to be more successful in reaching and maintaining wellness goals. Creating a better version of yourself requires both internal and external change. At Thrive Wellness we have found that the internal shifts of thought process, beliefs, priorities, and views fuel behavior and all external change. When people experience health challenges and major lifestyle imbalances both self-neglect and mis-education are root causes.

Need to transform your health and create a greater sense of wellness throughout your life? Start with building your self-love.

Want more information on practical ways to improve your self-love?

Want to implement a self-love practice that builds a greater sense of self-love?

Need help getting total wellness results?

Contact Coach Chandler at coach@tnwlife.com and call 678-465-7118. For more tips on self-love join the Thrive Now Wellness w/ Coach Chandler FB Group. Self-love tips will be provided every Sunday in February.

Eating Healthy On-the-Go

More American’s are exploring healthier eating habits. “Healthy” is trending and many are in search of a sustainable healthy lifestyle solutions. Accessing nutrient rich food is critical to creating and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. However, due to travel or high demanding lifestyles many are seeking ways to access healthy meals on-the-go. If you are looking to eat healthier, first identify the core nutrition principles that you want to follow and commit to making the best food choices possible at each meal.

More American’s are exploring healthier eating habits. “Healthy” is trending and many are in search of a sustainable healthy lifestyle solutions. Accessing nutrient rich food is critical to creating and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. However, due to travel or busy lifestyles many are seeking convenient ways to access healthy meals on-the-go. If you are looking to eat healthier, It’s not that hard. Identify your core nutrition principles and commit to making the best food choices possible at each meal.

If you frequently eat on the go, here are some easy tips and tricks to help you eat healthier away from home:

  1. Use healthy eating sources like HappyCow – HappyCow is a public service to assist travelers and people around the world find the nearest health conscious restaurants and grocery options. Learn more at happycow.com or download the HappyCow phone application.
  2. Use a meal delivery service – Using a meal delivery service such a Freshly or Uber Eats can serve you well if you stay true to your core nutrition principles when choosing from menus.
  3. Eat fresh and low processed food from the health food store – Grocery stores also offer cooked and fresh ready-to-eat food options. It is possible to choose a fresh and ready to eat meal from the grocery store. Some grocery stores even offer deliver or curb side pickup. Are you wandering how this is convenient? It takes nearly the same amount of time (and sometimes more money) to walk into a restaurant, order a meal, and wait for it as it does to grab a salad and some wild caught smoked salmon from the grocery store.
  4. Adopt a stress reduction practice – Travel and busy lifestyles can result in the stronger desire to entertain and comfort ourselves with food. Adopting a fulfilling stress reduction practice such as yoga, meditation, and an upbeat talk with a loved one reduces the urge for comforting yourself through food.

To get more information on ways to thrive on your wellness journey join the Thrive Now Wellness W/ Coach Chandler Face Book community or visit www.thrivenowwellness.com


The most basic motivation behind eating food is to get nutrients necessary for life, vitality, and growth. We instinctually eat food and food like substances to receive vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids that we need to create healthy cells and energy. Beyond the basic needs we also consume food and food like substances for comfort, connection, joy, recreation, and emotional relief.

When making food choices, how much should we think about the food’s likelihood to provide the absorbable nutrients that actually support wellness and nourish the body? There are a few factors to consider when we are looking to improve nutrition. First consider that both proper food choices and preparation are critical for getting the most out of our meals. Second, consistent food habits are the foundation to eating-to-thrive vs. eating-to-survive.

What is eating-to-survive? Eating-to-survive mostly involves low quality, highly processed, highly chemicalized, and over cooked foods which provide very few nutrients. These foods cause the body to work harder than it should in its attempt to find nutrients. When the body cannot find nutrients or is not getting what it needs from food, health declines and deficiency results. Decline or deficiency can be gradual, so continual survival is possible. Examples of decline are indigestion, bloating, and disease such as diabetes.

What is eating-to-thrive? Eating-to-thrive entails consuming nutrient rich, digestible, and absorbable foods that easily provide nutrition to the body. It’s when the body can easily use the food consumed and gets what it needs from food for vitality, healthy growth, and wellness results. Results of wellness are great energy throughout the day, mental and physical clarity, and sound sleep.

Are you thinking about upgrading your nourishment priorities? Do you want more insight on making highly nourishing food tasty? To get more information on eating-to-thrive join the Thrive Now Wellness W/ Coach Chandler Face Book community or visit www.thrivenowwellness.com

© . Thrive Now Wellness.